Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Missing in Action

Wow!  I can hardly believe it has been about a year since I have been on here!  I apologize to each and every one of you.  Allow me to do my best to explain my lack of communication.

While on holiday, back in the States last year I spoke many, many times about my ministry and all that has been going on in South Africa.  I spoke so many times in fact that I got completely tired of speaking about ministry and anything pertaining to me. When I came back to SA I was completely judged on just about everything coming out of my mouth by numerous people.  Add to that so many judgements that people have about Americans and you get a whole lot of hurt. 

Since I have been back I have gone months of almost completely not talking to people other than what was necessary.  I just stopped wanting to talk.  It was like I took a vow of silence.  This is something the Lord just recently showed me.  That I made an inner-vow not to be seen or heard and caused misalignment in some areas of my life. 

I came back into alignment with God a few months ago, but have still been seeing some back lash from these vows.  So many times I have gotten frustrated with people due to the fact that I would speak and people would just talk over me as if I never even opened my mouth.  It was like they couldn't even hear me.  God would give me a vision and I would share it, but people would have no clue what I was talking about.  It seemed that any time I shared information people were so confused about what I was talking about.  It was like I was speaking a foreign language - which is a real issue for me at times, but this was more than that, this was with people who know and understand me well.  I felt helpless. 

I finally just stopped sharing my input, ideas, visions, prophesies, etc.  I especially didn't want to share what was important to me.  I recently joined the worship team at church and most people said they couldn't hear me.  I thought I was singing loud and even lost my voice.  I was afraid and I am not used to singing the whole service, so there was that.  Again, it seemed like there was more to it. 

I remember in my fear, being torn with not wanting to be heard and everything in me just needing to sing to the Lord.  I asked the Lord for Him to shine light on this.  He showed me the vows I had made and how over and over and over I repeated these thoughts in my head. 

I have since asked God for forgiveness, washing me in His blood and to restore this gift He has given me called: My Voice.  This time I choose not to be afraid of what others think about the things that the Lord gives me to share or to be heard.  I also ask if you will be so kind as to allow me to share me and not only my ministry for I am coming to know the gift that He has made me to be solely as I am.  In return, let me know who you are.  Not just what you do, but the beautiful human being that He has created you to be - warts and all! 

Thank you everyone for your grace and allowing me to have weaknesses.  I will not wait a year to update this and do my best to do it on a regular basis.  Thank you for caring about what is going on in my little corner of the world.  Be prepared; revival is coming and it is coming from Cape Town and will spread across the world!! 

Much love <3

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