Friday, February 25, 2011


Please be praying for all the ministries catering to women out of prostitution here in Cape Town. Many seem to be under a lot of attack this year and having a hard time getting things running for the year. One of the Safe Houses is really struggling - all of the ladies, except one, went on a drinking binge not too long ago and left the house. The one who remained went to her boyfriends and ended up in the hospital because of it. The church has learned valuable lessons in this and is revamping things to have closer supervision of the ladies and to make it so they are unable to leave without a worker with them. They hope to open up again in March.

The craft projects are on hold at the moment as my ministry is under a lot of attack, as well. We are currently trying to figure things out and deciding where to go from here. Please pray as all of us are quite stressed out and finding it difficult to deal with each other. Pray that God gives us guidance and we make the necessary decisions that will provide the opportunity for all parties to do the ministries we are passionate about doing.

Thank you.

Who's really the missionary?

My roommate Eleanor and I started meeting with the guards over at the Hartleyvalle Stadium next door to us. The men are all from the Congo - we are praying with them and doing devotionals. At first I have to admit that I was a little frustrated to be giving up the Saturday night movie (waaah, I know). I'm really glad I did (I did still get to catch the last half, so not so sad). I thought we were going to be ministering to them. Shoot! They ministered so much to me! Man, are they on fire for the Lord and have amazing wisdom. The Holy Spirit was obviously speaking to them, because one of the men preached on exactly what I was struggeling with and had just moments before been talking to my roommate and shedding some tears. By the time we were done I was at peace and feeling a whole lot better. Hopefully, they got something out of it, too. I tell you, so many times I wonder if I'm really ministering to anyone else. Seems those I purpose to minister to are always ministering to me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What's in a Name?

I had a conversation the other day about the meaning of our names and how every time someone says our name they are speaking the meaning of it into our lives. I completely believe that we are speaking destiny into our children's lives when we choose their names. I also believe that God has a purpose for us and the meaning of our names is a part of it. I hadn't ever thought about it, but it makes complete sense to me that when my name is called it is saying I am who my name says that I am.

Yes, I realize so many of you theologians are arguing that we are who God says we are. I get it and of course it is profoundly true. At the same time I still believe our names are a HUGE part of our identity and we can choose to live in it or not. Now if you have a terrible name that means bitter or something just as bad, does this mean you have to walk in this? No, but it does mean it is probably attached to you since it's been spoken over you and you need to pray against it. Possibly ask God to give you a new name. He did it all the time in the Bible; changing a poor meaning name into a brilliant, God divine name.

I also just had a conversation with a friend about how even our middle names speak into our lives. I have never thought about that nor have I ever looked it up, until today. I will tell you what it means just now. It's interesting how this name means something and is a part of our identity too, even though it is rarely said, just because it was given to us.

So what does my name mean? Emily is German (perfect since my family is German) and means Industrious One (diligent, hard-working, busy, productive, skillful, clever). The spiritual definition is Diligent Worker (same as other with attentive, cautious, meticulous, thorough, persistant/persevering). The scripture attached is Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. The verse before (15) says do not put your light under a basket, but on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.

My middle name is Donnelle. Surprisingly, it was in the dictionary. It is Irish and means Brave (courageous, bold, daring, fearless, heroic, warrior) and the spiritual definition Vigilant means (watchful, attentive, alert, observant, cautious, headful, aware). The verse is 1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. The next verse (14) says let all you do be done in love, which I think is extremely important for me to remember.

I believe that I live in my name, as well as the scripture attached; at least most of the time. The interesting thing is that I discovered as I looked up the meanings, what each antonym is as well. For industrious it is lazy (lethargic, laid back, apathetic), diligent is the same and includes (idle), brave is cowardly (weak, timid, fearful) and vigilant is oblivious (unaware, unmindful, ignorant).

I may even find this more interesting than the origional meanings. For all of these antonyms are the things that I struggle with the most. Everytime I stop living in my spirit and let my flesh mostly take over I find these issues popping up. How clever that the enemy would know us so well that he even knows who we are meant to be by our given name and will fight us in the areas that take away the signigicance (value, worth) of who we are called to be.

Now that I know this, the next time that I find myself feeling antonymously (in opposition of my name) I am going to speak out my name and claim it's meaning. Saying that I know full well who I am and I choose to live in the personality that God has chosen to give me.