Friday, September 24, 2010

A Safe House Once Again?

God has turned things around to make it so that I am now more of an apprentice to Marge. We work hand-in-hand on most things and we are looking to let a friend’s daughter come stay here for about a month. I am still making the decision of whether I can commit to this, because it will be mostly my responsibility. This means that I create and implement the program with the guidance of Marge. I know this will be the best experience I could get and the day before this opportunity came I had been telling God I wish that I could have a place where I could just have 1 or 2 ladies come stay and do it a little more casually than Marge is training me to do.

The lady is an ex-prostitute and drug addict. She has been off the streets for 6 months, but ran a couple of weeks ago. We told her mom that if she came back and was willing we would let her stay at our place, but she would have to go through a program. It will be a huge sacrifice and commitment from me, because she will be locked in the house except if she goes out with me, which means I need to often take her with me. This is my biggest worry, because I so desperately need my own space. I did find out that it is okay to build in a quiet time each day where we each get our own space, so maybe this is doable. I am also trying to figure out how to work out some of my schedule (which I believe I need to continue with); there are days that I am doing ministry all day and a couple of nights where I am gone till early morning doing street ministry. These few things are things that would not be good for her to be at.

The great thing is that I will get to build a relationship with her and walk hand-in-hand. I will teach her daily living skills such as: hygiene, sleeping patterns, boundaries, house keeping, cooking, etc. I will also do spiritual teachings/ studies such as: salvation, forgiveness, daily devotions, how to study and whatever comes up and based on where she is at. We will have mentoring sessions and she will get counseling from a qualified counselor. She will go to church with me and possibly cell group. She will be my first jewelry pupil. This will be a great chance for us to do something fun together and for her to make some money. We will do fun things too – some with the intention of learning from and other things just for the fun of it. These are just some of the things that we will be working on; it will really be learning as we go and listening to God and His guidance.

I'm pretty sure I already know my answer. How can I not help? This is after all why I am here, is it not? I just need a chance to adjust to the fact that life looks different than I expected and that I am not just here to train. Of course, who was I kidding? I was never good at being a spectater. I prefer to see things happen and a catalyst for change.

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