Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Auto Be Glad

I realize I sort of dropped off the planet for the past 6 months. This is because at the end of January I was in a car accident. Though it was a minor accident it effected half of my body, which made it difficult to do much more than go to Dr apts and sit with ice. It was also quite painful. My left ankle was sprained, with different types of minor issues, my pelvis was knocked out of place and caused my siatic and other nerves to be pinched, plus hurt my hip. I got whiplash, which caused swelling, dizziness, headaches and nausea.

The worst of it all was my left shoulder. My front rotater cuff muscle was torn, as well as some tendants surrounding the rotater cuff. For the first couple of months I was waiting to see if I would need surgery. As the shoulder was beginning to heal, I tore it again. This time I was told that I need to see the surgeon. Instead I prayed.

Even though I have had a great medical team, I had enough of the Drs, medical apts and being injured. Mostly I was tired of waiting for Africa and decided it was time to stop feeling sorry for myself and completely give it to God. I had people pray for me; it was during a mobilization seminar that God healed this tear, as well as most of my body.

Immediately I was able to do many things that I couldn’t do before (like move my arm without it hurting). My pain went from a 6 to a 3 and within a week it only hurt when I used it too much. Within 2 weeks I was doing Zumba, 2 weeks later added Pilates and am now doing Zumba 4 times a week. I’m pretty sure I am healthier now than I was before the accident. Last Tuesday I was medically discharged. My shoulder now only hurts at a level 1 about 1x/wk.

I still have injuries, my back and neck hurt often, my range of motion isn’t perfect and I get headaches. God is faithful and I know that He will heal these areas, as well.

Besides the physical it was emotionally difficult, as well. At the time of the accident I was dropping off the rest of my donations. I had quit my job the week before, the day of the accident was my last day at my house; the following week I had planed to sell my car, buy a plane ticket and go to Africa. Instead, I found myself wondering what happened, where did I go wrong?

We often say that God doesn’t allow things like this to happen. I disagree. He had been telling me for almost a month that I would be in a car accident. Every time I prayed about selling my car I immediately envisioned a car accident. I would then think that I am paranoid. I also believe that this car accident was completely a blessing from above. There are so many ways in which my life is better because of this accident.

At first I had peace, as I knew it was a part of God’s plan; shortly after I wallowed in my pity and questioned God’s love and sovereignty. I quickly learned that I base God’s love on circumstances, I lack faith and I am easily discouraged.

Over the months God has worked on each of these areas and has matured me. I am not the same person I was 5 months ago and I thank God for that. He not only grew me emotionally and spiritually, but he worked on me physically.

I have spent a lot of time and effort working on who I am emotionally and spiritually, but didn’t concern myself a whole lot with the physical. I knew that one day I would need to work on this, for the time being I would just let that happen when it happened. Apparently, the time was now and God figured I needed a bit of a shove.

Through my medical apts, exercises and time with God I learned so much more about anatomy, how things function and why. I learned that I wasn’t standing, walking or even breathing correctly (didn’t know it could be incorrect). I also learned that I do not use my core muscles hardly at all. I now know how to do this correctly and have exercises to assist with this. I have also learned even more about eating correctly and how taking care of myself would heal me quicker, which meant I could go to Africa sooner. I finally had motivation.

I have also been pampered by having a chiropractor and massage therapist. My body is better aligned, which helps everything. I had assistance with working out and learning how to do this correctly and effectively. I also virtually had my own personal trainers. I was even allowed to order a therapeutic pillow and will be getting orthotics – all of which will help my posture, back and neck. Though it has been quite annoying, I have been given ample time to rest and spend time with God before heading off to a whole new world.

While it may not have seemed like it, God has used this accident to bless me beyond measure. There are so many things that I know He did and there will be things that God will still be revealing to me later, because of this accident. I am glad that God loves me so much that He is willing to let me go through some pain in order to better me, my life and those around me. For this it was worth it.

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