Thursday, February 25, 2010

Be Thou My Vision

The vision that God has given me is to help women to get out of prostitution; sharing Christ's love in every aspect. A few months ago God woke me up and gave me a vision of what I am to do and steps that are to be done. He showed me that I am to work with prostitutes, build relationships and show Christ's love to them - that this is more important than any other aspect of the vision.

About a year ago, I started up a jewelry business, in order to take a trade to Africa to help provide income to the black community. I am now going to use this business to teach the women, in order to give them another means of making money, so that this one step of survival might be eliminated. I am an entrepreneur and have numerous other ideas for business at some point.

After, or in conjunction to providing a new method of making money, I will also use the support group that I started up here in Colorado Springs, Real Women of Genius. This is a group that helps women to get out of sexual addictions; going through a devotional that God has helped me to start writing. I believe these are the two most predominant steps and will be my initial focus.
Later, at some point, I would like to have a safe house where women can go to live and get out of the lifestyle and be protected as they work through the program.

The last couple of steps will be to go through a similar program that I have been going through where you deal with forgiveness, idolatry, self, sexuality, curses, generational curses, etc. This cleans out house, so as not to allow the enemy any foothold any longer.

As well as: using the Lifeworkx program that Steve Aldrich leads and I have gone through, where the women will learn who they are: strengths, spiritual gifts, passions, talents, etc - who God has uniquely made each of them to be and what His purposes are for their lives. This will help the women to learn their "new" identity in Christ and what's next for their lives. Then helping them to take the necessary steps to do this.

As you can see this is a pretty huge vision God has given me and will require numerous steps. The absolute first step is this initial trip – the vision trip – to see where God is working and further show me where He wants me and to prepare me for the next steps.

After this step I will come back to raise the support needed and then I will go to language school for whichever area I will be living in. Then, I will, by the grace of God, get to start putting this vision into place.

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